Knowledge maniac is an ocean of Information that cover wide range of topics on Universe of Earth,Travel,Technology,History that you've never seen it before.

Monday 24 August 2015

What would happen if there was no water on the Earth ?

Origin of Earth- Life on Earth

There is important saying 'Water is necessity for human existence'. Without water,there would be no animals or plants, which carry out photosynthesis and release oxygen, and consequently the oxygen content in the atmosphere would go down.Moreover, the absence of  oceans would have serious consequences as they keep the Earth's climate moderate by storing heat inside them. Without large water bodies,the temperature of sunlight Areas those away from the sunlit would change drastically.The temperature difference between day and night and between summer and winter would be very large.As a result, hurricanes would be a constant occurrence on the Earth.

origin of earth
Origin of Earth-650 million year ago
 About 650 million year ago,the earth must have looked like this,At that time, it was completely covered with ice.

Sunday 23 August 2015

What is digital technology ?

Recently, electrical signals were transmitted via home antenas or cables laid underground.This signals got converted into pictures and sound in our television sets.This technique slowly replaced by another technology called digital technology. In this technology,the electrical signals of image  and sounds are converted into impulses and encrypted 'coded' in numbers. The image and sound data are decrypted or 'decoded' in our homes so that we can see the live original amazing programmes.Latest television sets can decode by themselves, but age-old  ones need a 'set-top box'. The digital signals also can come from radio stations to our homes.This done via cable,antenna, or satellites.

Did you know that                              

  •  IN 1850, the founder of German news agency reuters sent the first news via carrier pigeons ?
  • The  first live television transmission in history was the inauguration of the Olympic games in 1936 in berlin ?     
'digital' is derived from Latin word 'digitus',which means finger ? This is because one can count with the help of fingers and digital data is data in binary code.

Who was the first person to sail around the Earth ?

Trade across the world

The first expedition that went around the world was that of the Portuguese sailor Ferdinand Magellan.He had set out to find a new route to south asia.

He had come to know that there was a passage from Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean through the continent of South America. In 1519, he set sail towards the west with five ships,around 270 men,and huge amount of supplies.

At the coast of South America,they entered the broad mouth of a river,assuming that was this was the passage by they had heard of.

1520,they finally discover the sought-after sea rought between the island Tierra del fungo and the southern tip of south America; this route later come to be known as the Magellan Route.

When the expedition reached the Indonesian islands.,Magellan started taking possession of them one by one by defeating the spanish kings.When a small islands prosted against the rule of spain,there was a fierce battle in which Magellan was killed.Thw Spaniard juan Sebasian Del Cano now become the captain of remaining ships.After the voyager of long lasting of 3 years,he managed to return to Spain with 17 surviving sailors. They were thus hailed as the first people to sail around the Earth in one -go and not in stages.

Thanks for Reading.....

The Global Resource to Discover the Universe.

In Today's Era Of Globalisation Adult,young,age-old are curious about the mysterious universe of modern world and everything around them.Why does it become dark around Evening? How do low and high tides are occur ? Why do objects fall to Ground ? What is Global warming ? What is photosynthesis ? What happen to food after it Swallowed ? Their never-ending torrent of question sometimes leaves the grown-ups baffled. Children belive parents and teachers know a lot about the world. To Provide the much-needed help, Knowledge  Encyclopedia presents all important topics and eras of modern epoch in the terms of questions and answer suitable for every age of people.This blog helps each and every individual to enhance eternal piece of success to the life.

  •  Gives a children head start in life and help them to discover what they need to know
  •  Activity boxes with experiments bridge the gap between theory and practice and encourage a do-it- yourself attitude in children.