Knowledge maniac is an ocean of Information that cover wide range of topics on Universe of Earth,Travel,Technology,History that you've never seen it before.

Knowledge maniac is an ocean of Information that cover wide range of topics on Universe of Earth,Travel,Technology,History that you've never seen it before.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

India vs South Africa 4TH ODI,Chennai Today's top Playing 11

Hello Indians and South Africa peoples these are the today’s playing eleven in today South Africa vs India Match, These are eleven’s who going to do rock in today cricket match in India. These eleven standing players for today match which is going to be start soon....

Friday, 4 September 2015

Who Invented the Scale ?

In 5000 BC, the Egyptians were the first people to build the beam balance and weigh goods.Pans hung from both ends of a balance beam. In one path load to be weighed was places, and in the second pan the weights were put, until both the pans were  perfectly balanced.   ...

Monday, 24 August 2015

What would happen if there was no water on the Earth ?

Origin of Earth- Life on Earth There is important saying 'Water is necessity for human existence'. Without water,there would be no animals or plants, which carry out photosynthesis and release oxygen, and consequently the oxygen content in the atmosphere would go down.Moreover,...

Sunday, 23 August 2015

What is digital technology ?

Recently, electrical signals were transmitted via home antenas or cables laid underground.This signals got converted into pictures and sound in our television sets.This technique slowly replaced by another technology called digital technology. In this technology,the electrical...

Who was the first person to sail around the Earth ?

Trade across the world The first expedition that went around the world was that of the Portuguese sailor Ferdinand Magellan.He had set out to find a new route to south asia. He had come to know that there was a passage from Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean through the...

The Global Resource to Discover the Universe.

In Today's Era Of Globalisation Adult,young,age-old are curious about the mysterious universe of modern world and everything around them.Why does it become dark around Evening? How do low and high tides are occur ? Why do objects fall to Ground ? What is Global warming...